Lilly is american girl, almost 2 years old. She can barely speak, but she knows locations of all world counties. Please see 'Lilly - the map genius' video here . Well, that really surprised me, because I can not understand where that little human finds a will to learn that kind of information. May it be the appreciation from her parrents she wants to gain? Anyways, i thought – well... if 2 years old kid, can learn all world country locations, how long it will take me to learn (;. And, to be honest, it took me two evenings. I was very close to do it on one evening. But even in the begining of second, there was some contries i could not locate. So here is a game where you need to locate world countries . In this video I find all of 20 randomly picked countries, 3 times in a row. Yea, i am at least as smart as Lilly is (;