
Showing posts from March, 2021

Your body is designed to fail

As much as we want to believe that we function as an individual and there is a concrete border around of who you are and the ouside world, in order to fully understand ourselves we need to recognize that we are part of something bigger. Most of us understand that evolution favours those more fit. One might falsly conclude that therefore everything in your body should help you to succeed. But that is exactly wrong, because we are social species and your body will sabotage you if it believes your success not in the intererst for the succcess of your species. These mechanisms are programmed deep into each individual. Most notable and obvious is the death. Serves no good for you, but is an essential tool for species to addapt over time and evolve in the resource scarse world. There are also less extreme examples than death. Lets look at an example when one is feeling uncertain and indecisive and is put on a spot that has others attention. In old days that could be a tribe leader that could...