
Showing posts from 2008


Matracis ir paklāja vai bloks, kas parasti ir virs gultas, uz kura gulēt un gulēt. Vārds matracis ir atvasināts no arābu vārdiem nozīmē "mest" un "vieta", kur kaut kas tiek izmests" vai "mat, spilvenu." Laikā Crusades eiropieši pieņem arābu metodi guļ uz spilveniem izmet uz grīdas un vārds materas beidzot nolaidās Tuvo angļu valodā ar romāņu valodas [1]. Lai gan matrači var novietot tieši uz grīdas, tas parasti ir virs platformas (piemēram, platforma gulta vai metāla kastē pavasarī vai redeļu fonds), kas ir tālāk no zemes. Vēsturiski, matrači ir piepildīts ar dažādiem dabas materiāliem, ieskaitot salmu un spalvas. Modern matračiem parasti ir vai nu iekšējo pavasara Core vai materiālus, piemēram, latekss, viscoelastic vai citu poliuretāna tipa putas. Matrači var arī piepilda ar gaisu vai ūdeni, vai dažādām dabiskām šķiedrām, piemēram, kokvilnas slāņu grīdas. Saturs Vēsture Matraču izmēri Komponenti innerspring matracis Spring matrača kodols Gaisa matr...

Christmas Greetings

Christmas is not a date, its a state of mind.

De Phazz in Riga

One of my all time favorite ensemble De phazz will be in Riga in late 2008. 27.decembed they will step up in GodVil .  It is a bit of lounge, bit of Soul, bit of Latin and downtempo jazz. Despite of a very busy day... and night as well, these news are keeping me smile. The Mambo Craze by De-Phazz More De-Phazz music on iLike


So i have a problem here. I will probably answer myself to this question after some time, but anyways i will post it here.  So folow the logic i have here. In picture you can see right-angled triangle. Let angle between c1 and h be α. Then c2/h = sin(α) . If α increases then so do length of c2 and length of h. If α=90 degrees then c2 is with infinity length, and so is h=infinity.  so we get that sin(pi/2) = infinity/infinity, which should be undefined, but it is 1. Why?

Mental abilities getting older

Today i discovered an excelent google tech talk presentation made by  Dr. Michael Merzenich . The title of presentation was " Think faster focus better and remember more. Rewiring our brain to stay younger... ". He himself is 66, and not showing any of mental regress (:. Especially i liked the presentation, and the way he got himself out in situation where the slides were missing (:. Yea.. however. The numbers and diagrams he showed about the results of methodology he presented was just outstanding. I always was concern that when you get older, body as well as mind will loose the grip. But he prooved the opposite. As we live in information technology era which is changing very rapidly, i was kind of woried about my living when i will be 60. Will i be able to follow? And the answer is - yes. Brain is very adaptive. And actually today's and future's information technology, wide information availability and the way we do information processing, is excelent for keeping o...

Everybody do SEO

These days, it's like everybody is doing SEO . Everyone is SEO expert or something. Well, it is ok if somebody is cleaning up the xHTML code and marking the important parts of semantics. But i recently discovered that there are lots of so called SEO experts who are selling information about "How to optimize web pages for search engines", they find with quick search in google itself. And then tooOrganisations who are not very familiar with IT, they sell this pdf crap for 100eur, and call it - 'SEO analysis for XYZ Inc web page'. And in the end - the document was not good written, simply copying and pasting the information about seo optimisation did not reach any of targeted goals.  Yea.. and by the way, here is the link for very good busses and vans and stuff like that HAHA Mikroautobusu noma .

Wild cat (Meža kaķis)

Wild Cat. Extreme (:. Skatīt lielāku karti