Will 1 kg gold weight the same after many years?

Here is an interesting thing about any matter on the world. For example gold. If you own 1kg gold now. Than after a thousand years you will own a little more than 1kg. Surprised? Don't be. Here is an interesting and tottaly useless facts you never will need to know. But still, it just came into my mind recently.

Sun - the star of our galaxy is producing enormous amount of energy, right? Each second 600 000 000 tons of hydrogen atoms are smashed together with such a speed, that those atoms make 595 000 000 tons of helium atoms. Now the missing 5 000 000 tons are transformed into light energy. Yes. It's funny. 5 000 000 tons of light. No kidding. 

And eventually small portion of all this light hits earth surface causing the earth to grow. 

Obviously after many, many years earth mass will be bigger, and thus the gravity it causes also will be bigger. So the very same 1 kg you own now will be heavier on planet earth.

If i had some free time i would really like to do some math here. For example, what my 1 kg of gold will weight after say - 1 000 years. Should'n be to complicated. Maybe You want to try?

No actually i was wrong. 1 kg gold will still be1 kg gold even if gravity changes. Because there is a standart for 1 kg, see picture below. It is located in France in International Bureau of Weights and Measures. 

If gravity changes, than standart will be heavier as well. Maybe if you will use electronic balance, than they will show that your gold is heavier, but than again - than the electronic balace will be just incorrect.

Still wanna do the math (;


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