Movies vs Dreams

When talking with someone about your dreams. Have you ever claimed that you don't know for sure what particular detail was about in your dream. For example, if dream is about travelling then you could say - "I don't know why, but we went back home". If you ever told someone that you do not know about the details in your dream, then you have lied at least for one time in your life (:.

This is because, we know exactly all the meanings, reasons and specific details in our dreams. The reason why we say - I don't know, can be various. Maybe the reason doesn't make much sense and when recalling your dream you suddenly feel confused and deny the reason. Like in the travelling dream example reason could be "We went home, because I needed to take a bath". Other reason might be because you feel ashamed for what you did in the dream and don't want to tell anybody.

I think, many of us associate dreaming a dream with watching a movie. In movies there almost always is plot. Structure of the movie. Strong reasons and dependencies on information that has been presented before. What is not the case in dreams. If you associate your dreams with watching a movie then there is no surprise that you feel confused about disorder in your dream.

It is interesting, that humans perceive their own dreams with intimacy, and we think that no one knows anything about our inner world. Well... next time some one says to you - "I don't know why I was acting the way I did in my dream", you tease them and say - Oh, common, of course you do (:. Because, they do!

I you now are trying to remember your last dream this night, to conclude wether I am right or not, than chances are that you can not remember your dream. The interesting thing with the dreams is that you can remember your dream only few seconds after you wakeup. Try this. Put something unusual on your cell phone or alarm clock, or what ever it is what wakes you up in the morning, to serve as a reminder to recall your dream right when you wake up.


Anonymous said…
Ok but there are times when it is better not remember what really happened in a dream, i meant such case like -for example- you have been suffocate and a sense of the fear was so real, and troubling.
Yes, exactly. Remembering dreams means you are focusing your attention on non-existing reality. Even more if the dreams are disturbing. Why bother, right? Although, this night I saw a fascinating lunar eclipse. Cool thing to remember. Cool thing is also to realize that your mental imagination works also without your effort, and that your mind may sometimes work on it's own (;.
Didi said… brīžiem ir tā, kad to sapni ko redzēju tā vēlos realizēt un lai tas paliek atmiņā...un pēkšņi vairs neatceros =(.
Sapņiem mūsu dzīvē ir liela nozīme. Sapņi strādā, kā dzīves tulks, un pareģojums mums, ko mēs vai nu atceramies, vai arī nepievēršam tam vienkārši uzmanību.
Ne reizi vien man pašai gadījies realitātē saskarties ar sapnī redzēto, protams, pašai to tulkot!
Sapņi ir mūsu otrā pasaule =)
Sapņi ir noslēpumaina lieta un tās noslēpumainība jau ilgst gadu tūkstošus. Tās īsto dabu noskaidrot pat zinātniekiem vēl nav bijis pa spēkam, neskatoties uz to, ka sapņiem par godu ir izveidota pat vesela neiroloģijas nozare. Varbūt kādu dienu izdosies šo noslēpumainības plīvuru noņemt un redzēt - no kurienas tie nāk un ko vērtīgu ar tiem iesākt. Varbūt tie tiešām mums stāsta par nākotni. (:

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